4 Mar 2012


There is a new hotspot on the net. If you haven't heard about it yet, well ask yourself if you are not settling into a dramatic domesticity and quietness ^_***
I know the day has only 24 hours, I know you have kids and a house to run, I know you are a hard worker, I know all that and I don't blame you for this.

We are at the beginning of a promising month: March and its twin-sister Spring are knocking at our door... People, like nature, are awaking from their sleepiness and stratching like a lazy cat that has just finished a long nap...
 This is why I want to sake you up talking about Pinterest.

WTF is Pinterest ...

Well it is an internet site, not popular in Spain or even in France, where users can pin and create interesting boards, which allow other pinterest users to repin your pins enlarging their own boards.
Now that seems really silly and stupid, but it isn't.
It is fun and creative.

Plus stop giving things for granted and making silly statements if you are unable to check out what something is about. Let your curiosity take you by the hand and lead you into this Pinterest world.
Give winds to your fantasy ...
Here's the link to my boards, so feel free to have a glance and then, only then, call it silly ^_***


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