5 May 2011


Friendship is doubtless, at least for me, one of the best things in life.
As Saint-Exupery used to say, we can’t buy it and neither can we force it. We are free to choose it at our conveniences or when we experience that chemistry called “feeling”: that undescribable and surprising sensation that attracts people and creates links between us.
The concept of “friendship” is often wrong, as we don’t have so many friends. We tend to introduce people, too many times using that misunderstood term, avoiding to feel ridiculous, when in fact they are simply people we like and with whom we haven’t shared special things and consequently little love or affection.
Funny enough to see how we keep some our childhood or teen friends, and then, when life separates us and reunites us again, after many years, we are surprised to notice that this special thing, those invisible threads, are still alive and this is awesome, cause according to me, it is not necessary to see friends daily, or weekly, or monthly… for me “friends” are those special people who make things easy and normal as if nothing had happened in between, as if we had been talking on the phone the night before…
Nothing is strange, nothing is forced, memories and catch-ups flow again, easily, with laughers and giggles. The warmness and the security that friendship brings to us are unique; it is a feeling of wellness, of protection, a certainty to find a shoulder to lean on, ears to listen to us, somebody who will cheer us up, a hand who will comfort us …
Sometimes, friendship is also that right and perfect silence, which gives us complicity and offers no complications.
New technologies and new means of communication allow us to reach people from abroad. We come to “know” and “meet” new virtual comers, men and women, from different countries and cultures, or even from the same city. They are people we have never seen in "flesh and bones", whom we haven’t hear the sound of their voices and whose picture, posted on their profile, we are not certain is the real one.
We are attracted by the power of their words, the strength of their statements and sentences, by their sense of humour… and unknowingly we add them to our friend list, sharing opinions, laughers and teases. We read them regularly and can’t help feeling concerned when they remain silent for a few days.
So in conclusion, friendship whether old ones or new virtual ones are treasures we have to take care of and “Dangerous Liaisons” a great book and an awesome movie. ^_***


  1. Très très proche de l'Amour !

  2. It has been said that everlasting friends go long periods of time without speaking and never question the friendship. These friends pick up like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been or how far away they live, and they don't hold grudges. They understand that life is busy and you will ALWAYS love them.

  3. Jill Fraser
    It has been said that everlasting friends go long periods of time without speaking and never question the friendship. These friends pick up like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been or how far away they live, and they don't hold grudges. They understand that life is busy and you will ALWAYS love them.
