17 May 2011


Last Sunday, I downloaded a new picture for my 365 days album. It is a picture showing a wooden duck on a table and the caption writes:

“I wish all our problems could be so easy to solve. We just need a stained table and a wooden duck. Place the duck on the stain and hurrayyyy!!!”

I made this statement for fun but reading the comment a girlfriend of mine wrote back, telling me she was stuck abroad cause her plane could not fly back home and asking me if she could borrow my duck, I started thinking that may be my statement was not that silly as it seemed.

Now I am sitting in front of my screen, listening to Bryan Ferry on Spotify and trying to find out if things can be so easy to solve or if it all depends on us and on the perception we have of them.

So, first I have to find a definition to the word “problem” and according to the “Business Dictionary” a problem is:

“A perceived gap between the existing state and a desired state, or a deviation from a norm, standard, or status quo.
Although many problems turn out to have several solutions – the means to close the gap or correct the deviation – difficulties arise where such means are either not obvious or are not immediately available”.
Perfect! Clear, precise and easy to understand. So to make it short it all depends on our own means and on our own perception.

Thus, some will place the duck on the table thinking it is a nice decoration.
Some will be horrified just to think about the possibility to place a duck on a stained table as the stain will remain underneath the duck.
Some will firmly believe that the best thing to do is to change the table and get a new one.
Some will try to get rid of the stain and to recover the table
Some will keep the duck even on a new table
Some will keep the duck on the recovered table
Some will do nothing at all and think “fuck the table and fuck the duck” who matters?

In any case the problem will be solved in different satisfying ways, but I still wonder if the given definition can match with every kind of problems, such as: love problems, financial problems, kids’ problems, teen’s problems, survival problems, health problems and a long etc problems. So I better stop here cause the list can be too long.

I am neither a thinker nor a philosopher so who can really be interested in my solutions or my points of view, as I do feel from time to time like shouting inside a well and getting my own words back as an answer.

So, coming back to reality I have to confess that THE MAGIC DUCK is inside each of us and that it all comes to us to place it on the right place at the right moment.
Guys you got to BELIEVE IN YOU ^_***.

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