29 Aug 2011


I would like to pay a tribute to "women", not to working women, working moms or moms. No; sorry ladies but you are not the subject this time.
My tribute goes to women who survived wars. To all women no matter the skin, the religion or the part of the world they live or lived.

I would like to express my solidarity and my respect to those amazing, fragile and yet strong ladies who didn't fold nor fade in spite of all the pain they suffered.

We all know about World War II, we all know about Hitler and his SS. We all know about concentration camps, but - at least in my case - we don't know that the winners of this war allowed the Soviet troupes to "use" the German women, who lived in Berlin at that time, as they pleased: like trophies or rewards, around 100,000 women were abused in this city.

Those women, no matter their age - range of rape from 8 to 80 -, were abused day and night. And nobody stopped or prevented such atrocity.
Those creatures who didn't understand a word of the language they were addressed to, had nothing to defend themselves. They had no means to resist either or to refuse. They were raped. Just as simple as that! Yes RAPED, many times by different rapists as often as those men wanted to, to satisfy their long abstinence during that long war.
Rapes and wars walk hand in hand, it is a fact and it is socially accepted as something normal, you know those things just happen and that's it, they are side effects.
Soldiers and civilians die, children and old people die, but women are raped and killed and survivors tell the story and history is fed.

The German ladies from Berlin lived in a conquered city for months, before the arrival of the Allies.
Their rights were not respected nor their conditions of human beings. They had to survive and struggle for their lives and the one of their children. They had to stay alive no matter the price, so they assumed the role of "sexual toys" or should I say "sexual slaves" entirely "devoted" to their masters days and nights and even in long orgies. Starvation can kill in many ways.
And they survived but their lives were never the same again. Some were killed by their husbands who were not able to stand the indignity of rape - poor men!!!

This sad and dreadful episode is related in a diary hold by a Berliner woman who lived in this city at that time.
"Anonyma: A Woman in Berlin" was published in 1959. The world had to know about them.
The book was not welcome at all and the indignation of the German public was tremendous.
For that reason, its writer forbade another publication until her death and she took the decision to remain forever after an "anonymous raped woman" just like most of her companions in pain did, because you know some War secrets are exclusively FEMININE.


  1. Merci Y o l a n d a , je m’intéresse effectivement aussi à l’histoire
    Le drame épouvantable subi par les Allemandes en 1945 est une effroyable abomination ; il serait cependant erroné de parler « d’un silence qui entoure le supplice des Berlinoises ». En effet la presse écrite et audiovisuelle a largement fait écho à l’ouvrage de Marta Hillers dont tu parles dans ton blogue : ‘Une femme à Berlin - Anonyme - Journal 20 avril - 22 juin 1945’ aux éditions Gallimard collection Témoins (Témoignage, d’une femme allemande de trente quatre ans face à l’entrée des troupes russes dans Berlin, du 20 avril 1945 au 22 juin 1945)
    Pendant la chute du IIIe Reich en 1945, le nombre de femmes allemandes violées par l'armée soviétique a été estimé à plus de deux millions !
    Lors du débarquement des soldats en Europe, de nombreuses plaintes ont été portées sans grands résultats contre les soldats américains par des femmes. L'historien américain J. Robert Lilly dans son ouvrage « La face cachée des GI’s » rapporte que plus de 17.000 viols ont été commis par les GIs au Royaume-Uni, en France et en Allemagne. Il y a eu, selon Susan Brownmiller, seulement 971 condamnations pour viol par les cours martiales entre janvier 1942 et juin 1947

  2. Un excellent documentaire sur ce sujet trop peu aborde était passe a la tv a une heure très tardive il y a quelques années. C est ainsi que j avais appris la chose
    C est vrai que la guerre fait ressortir les pires pulsions de l homme, et c est malheureusement tjrs les femmes qui sont en première ligne pour servir d' exutoire.

  3. Christine Tupin:
    "J'en profite pour rendre hommages à toutes ces femmes courageuses de la guerre. Ma maman en fait partie. Partie étudier le secourisme à 17 ans sans la permission de ses parents, elle a ensuite intégré la croix-rouge et a vécu les bombardements et leurs atrocités. Je lui ai demandé d'écrire son histoire pour que jamais personne n'oublie..."

  4. Christine Tupin:
    "Merci Yolande pour ton hommage à ces femmes dont je ne connaissais pas l'histoire, histoire qui malheureusement se renouvelle(de nombreuses Ivoiriennes violées les derniers mois.)"
