7 Sept 2011


There was a time, not so long ago, where education was a matter of sex. I mean that boys were separated from girls and each gender was brought up according to different values. That was the time where girls used to walk, in lines or in circles, balancing a book on the head.

That might sound a bit weird nowadays but you should understand that it is really, very important for a woman to learn how to walk chin up, stiff neck and stiff back as well.
That was how education was, more or less, last century.

Nowadays things have changed a lot.
Nowadays pupils and students hardly know what a book is like and they think that the eBook is the only book in the world.
No more ink and pens, no more pads, unless it is an IPad, no more notebooks either...

Education nowadays goes through the use of a keyboard. Our new-age students have developed such an amazing skill, the skill to use their thumbs. Keep in mind that we are in the century of high technology where “sms” and “emails” are the new letters.

Nowadays students of all ages, fortunately kindergartens are spared for now, are connected. Yes, they are connected the whole day long... via their blackberries, their Iphones or smartphones - I like the adjective "smart" applied to a phone - somebody is smart in the end but not necesseraly its user who can hardly spell a word properly, and that brings me to ask myself if smartphones are for dummies - between you and me I have a smartphone and I adore it... ^_*** - but I belong to the old school, where we used to write on paper with ink and on blackboards with chalk, where a book was a bunch of paper sheets and where kids used to stand up each time the teacher entered or left the classroom.

I'd like to add something more, you know what, I will not change MY LAST CENTURY EDUCATION for the one kids have nowadays. Nope, I will not do that.

I was brought up in a time where parents and educators worked in a complementary way.
Parents taught principles, good manners, respect, tolerance, behaviour, morals, and the acceptation of the word NO.
Educators where people who taught us how to read, how to write, how to count, how to draw, and also introduced us to arts, to mathematics, to philosophy, to natural sciences, to history, to literature and to foreign languages.

Last century education and the school of life have made of me the woman I am today; the one who is writing this "post" in my "blog" -words from the new century-. The one who knows how to use a "software" -another new word- whether with a "hardware" or a "Smartphone" -new words once again-.
The one who loves to feel the pages of a paper book in her hands and the one who uses earphones with her IPod ^_***.

I want to say "thank you" to all the educators who bumped into my life, to all these marvellous people who taught me that "Education" is the progressive discovery of our own ignorance... Oh, by the way, I am still a learner ^_*** and hope that I will keep learning the rest of my life.


  1. Taimur Khalil Sheikh
    ‎1stly, i must compliment you on your writing style. Its clear, concise & gripping. You put it all very well & it made for a very interesting read.

    You mentioned parents teaching values & teachers teaching subjects.
    This was driven home to me by a tragic incident that happened here.
    Yesterday, a medical student shot dead the Vice Principal of him university because he kept failing.
    Education begins at home & i wonder how this young man was brought up.

    I remember a time when I had to do an essay for physics. I remember browsing through encyclopedias, finding relevant non-fiction books, searching for photos from magazines.
    That was research & it taught me to persevere & how to find out stuff to answer my own questions.
    Google has put all that effort into a single click. There' no need to make the effort, no need to work hard. Its too easy. There' too much idle time now & it ruins the young minds.

  2. Clara Romeu:
    Muchas veces tengo esa "nostalgia" de mi pluma, mis bolis, mis lápices .... con mis libretas, apuntes y libros donde nos teníamos que espabilar para indagar sobre un tema. Yo recurría a la Enciclopedia, a mi padre o a mis abuelos. La nueva tecnología hay que aceptarla para nuestros descendientes. Es así. También se les exige más, en los colegios. Por eso considero importante que los jóvenes de ahora realicen trabajos artísticos y "muevan un poco la mano" y por consiguiente el cerebro. Y complementarlo como podamos desde casa. Yo tampoco cambiaría la educación que recibí. Un besazo ♥

  3. Catherine Jacobs Athanassopoulos
    vraiment Yol, suis de tout coeur avec toi pour cet article de ton blog. En tant que prof. de francais en grece, je me rends compte que les petits grecs maitrisent mieux l'orthographe francaise que les francais eux meme !!! quel dommage !

  4. Meritxell Melgar:
    Wonderful post. A nostalgic twist of the past but embracing the future. As always Yol, what a beautiful way of looking at it all. Congratulations my dear!
